Letters To The Editor - We Are Reporting You

Dear Editor:

This is (name redacted), a friend of mine phoned you yesterday and I am wondering why you are not covering that story.

The only thing I can think of is that you are in support of people drinking the juice.

I want to know where you get your funding from and not I'm not impressed that none of you want to cover the story.

I know Chris Barber personally and whatever the outcome of this is in your hands.

Don’t say you are Canadian when you are not fighting for our freedoms.

I thought you ran an independent news business but I will be leaving a review and reporting both of you to the college of journalism.


Editor’s Note - We received this letter via text for our refusal to travel - at our expense - to Lethbridge to cover a trial about the Coutts four.

Who have been accused of terrorism related charges in the Trucking protest over COVID - 19.

There are allegations of wrongdoing by the RCMP which require further investigation according to critics.

As we explained to the letter writer if the trial was here, and not in Lethbridge, we would cover it.

As an aside the cost of running MJ Independent is $25 a month. The real investment we make in all of this is time.

moose jaw