Harvest Photos And Wishes - Reader Submission

A reader sent us some great photos of harvest just as the sun was starting to set.

I think now you might have a bit of an idea why photographers refer to this as the “golden hour” when the sun is getting ready to set with the shadows and light.

The reader also expresses her wishes to those out involved in the harvest.

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moose jaw
Concession Sees A Booming Business

In her third week of operating the concession in the Golden Mile Arena Melina Fulton has literally been overwhelmed by the number of hungry and thirsty customers, the Saskatchewan Barrel Racing Association’s provincial championships has brought to her order window.

It’s just part of the economic windfall the annual event has brought to Moose Jaw.

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moose jaw
The Return Of Mister Magic

Its a repeat performance for Moose Jaw’s own Magic By Chris as he performs in a roaming show for anyone who wants to see the magic.

Just approach him and ask to see the show.

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moose jaw