Cat Cafe Returning March 23
“Where is everyone?” - A cat peers out the Inclusion Centre’s window - Submitted Photo
If you missed the first Cat Cafe at Moose Jaw Families For Change (MJFFC) you are not out of luck as the event is returning to the Kinsmen Inclusion Centre located at 344 4th Ave SW on March 23rd.
The Kinsmen Inclusion Centre provides day programming for people with intellectual disabilities.
The Cat Cafe allows interaction with cats and people - Submitted Photo
The initial cat cafe was held February 28 and was a success. The photos in this article are from that event.
The cat cafes are a partnership between the MJFFC and SCRAPS-MJ and are a win-win because they allow people who maybe cannot have cats in their home come out and socialize with the cats and others. It also allows SCRAPS to showcase their work with feral cats they help in the community.
The cats are tame and enjoy the attention - Submitted Photo
The cost to attend is $5.
A cat brings out a smile at the February 28th cat cafe - Submitted Photo
Anyone wishing to attend is asked to pre-register as the number of participants is limited and the first Cat Cafe was full. To register please contact the Inclusion Centre by email at .
The cats like the love as well - Submitted Photo
This Cat Cafe will feature 3 sessions: 1:30 pm-2:15 pm, 2:30 pm-3:15 pm, and 3:30 pm-4:15 pm and you must pre-register.
Interaction between the cats and people is allowed - Submitted Photo