Winter Fun at WinterFest
Kids snowshoeing.
Robert Thomas
With recent snow and the weather warming up to a high of -10 Celsius, the Wakamow Valley Authority has an event this weekend that will let your enjoy the great outdoors.
To be held this Sunday from 3–7pm, the sixth annual Winterfest offers lots of family fun, says Trish German, administrator and event coordinator for Wakamow Valley Authority.
“It's a great way to get involved with the community and the park and come and see what we offer in the Winter,” German said.
Picture from WinterFest 2016
The free family-friendly event will be held at the Kiwanis Pavilion, also known as the Speed Skating Oval, and will feature events such as skating, snowshoeing, games and crafts. This year will also feature an event called the Christmas Tree Toss, with the winner being the who is able to toss the tree the furthest.
The Christmas trees used in the tree toss are ones collected by the City and then later shredded into mulch for use around the park.
“It's a fun thing and there will be great prizes,” she said.
Even Greg Larence, MLA for Moose Jaw- Wakamow, has taken part in the Christmas Tree Toss
There will be wagon rides, on a donation basis, to help defer the costs, plus a canteen with hot dogs, chili, non-alcoholic beverages and cookies.
For those missing the event, German said, people can still come out and enjoy the park now that there is snow people can use the cross country ski trails and the speed skating oval, snowshoes are loaned out and there is lots of hiking going on during the Winter months.
“We know there are lots of people parked in the public parking lot and we don't see them there, so we know there are lots of people out on the trails,” she said.
The mild Winter weather this year should help with attendance.