Candidate Questions - Dawn Luhning
1. In 2023, for several reasons, a secondary audit was requested of SAMA. SAMA declined this request. Currently the City and council have chosen to do nothing in regards to this issue.
What are you prepared to do?
>>A secondary audit with SAMA is approved by the SAMA board and is enacted when there is "significant statutory non-compliance". That wasn't the case then and it isn't the case now. There are rules around how these processes happen.
2. Saskatoon has a Governance Committee which oversees their property tax/assessment department, and theirs far exceeds ours. Are you prepared to implement the changes needed in order to mirror/reflect theirs? Or something better?
>> I have no idea about this committee and how it operates. Therefore I cannot make a conclusion on something I know nothing about.
3. a). In your words, What does a Moose Jaw Citizen say when they are asked “What do you think of Moose Jaw?”
>> "We sure could do something about our roads"; "Why do I have so much trouble getting answers out of City Hall?". These are all issues that need to be addressed under the new Council's term in office.
b). If you are elected, What will the Citizens be saying in 4 years?
>> Dawn always asked the hard questions in every situation. She thinks outside of the box and wants the City to do things differently. She is a true leader, professional and respectful.
4. Right now there is a lot of talk about a proposed hotel on the zero block of River Street West. Rumours which include the potential building of a parkade by the City in the area.
The question is as an elected official how much City money - if any - are you prepared to spend either directly or indirectly in an effort to see the proposed hotel development get off the ground?
>>None. It's a private development.
5. Are you in favour of more or less funding by the way of levies? Or do you favour finding more funding by the way of tax increases?
>>I’m always willing to review all options for more revenues for the City. Levies has never been one of my favorite ways to collect funds, but all options should be looked at in certain situations. Then decisions are made based on the reports/facts.
6. In your own words what is the most important infrastructure projection that needs to be completed.
Where or how would you locate funding for this project?
>> Cast iron needs to continue, Crescent View lift station and 4th Avenue Bridge are priorities, roads and potholes need to be managed differently.
7. Affordability is a major concern for many residents.
Are you prepared - yes or no - to strive to make Moose Jaw more affordable?
Can you briefly explain how you would accomplish this?
>> The only thing we can do as Council is strive to make our operations efficient and keep tax increases to a minimum. But at the same time we have to balance the needs of the citizens from infrastructure upgrades and maintenance on facilities and parks as an example. There are many other factors affecting citizens' household budgets right now that are outside of the city's jurisdiction.