Candidate Questions - Doug Blanc
1 In 2023, for several reasons, a secondary audit was requested of SAMA. SAMA declined this request. Currently the City and council have chosen to do nothing in regard to this issue. What are you prepared to do?
An audit of SAMA was requested by City Council. This was rejected by SAMA and the Provincial Government. It was determined at that time to request an appeal to this request would not facilitate a response or conclusion to make any changes to the current tax assessment. We had earlier asked SAMA numerous questions about their assessment of commercial properties. They had agreed to review their process for some of the commercial properties. This did result in some commercial properties have their tax assessment lowered.
2 Saskatoon has a Governance Committee which oversees their property tax/assessment department, and theirs far exceeds ours. Are you prepared to implement the changes needed in order to mirror/reflect theirs? Or something better?
I would always be in favor of any changes to our tax system that would benefit residents of Moose Jaw while maintaining our services. We currently have a contrct with SAMA which expires Dec 2025. I think we should look at all options for property assessment. This includes in house assessment, staying with SAMA or look at other options that other municipalities use. We need to have a system that works for a fair assessment.
3 a In your words, What does a Moose Jaw citizen say when they are asked “What do you think of Moose Jaw?”
I know there may be citizens that have concerns about our city. Some of these concerns include our our infrastructure, property tax, crime and homelessness. However our crime stats show that we have reduced our crime against property by 27 %, crime against a person by 1.6 %. And reduction in drugs by 81 %. We need to continue to reduce crime and keep our citizens safe.
3 b If you are elected, What will the Citizens be saying in 4 years?
I would hope that in four years citizens would say they feel safer in our community. I would hope they would also feel that City Council did a good job of ensuring our infrastructure was in better shape, and our tax dollars were kept in check while making sure we spent our money wisely.
4 Right now there is a lot of talk about a proposed hotel on the zero block of River Street West. Rumours which include the potential building of a parkade by the City in the area. The question is as an elected official how much City money - if any - are you prepared to spend either directly or indirectly in an effort to see the proposed hotel development get off the ground?
I really hope the new hotel is built and is successful. As a councilor I would work with the developers to ensure red tape is limited and barriers are removed. As this is a private development i don't feel tax dollars should be invested in this project either directly or indirectly.
5 Are you in favour of more or less funding by the way of levies? Or do you favour finding more funding by the way of tax increases? Can you explain your reasoning?
As levies are marked to go to a particular project, citizens should understand that they can't be transferred to other projects. There have been some levies in the past that work. The advantage of a levy is it should be removed once the project has-been paid example is the Buffalo Pound Water Treatment plant expansion. This levie is targeted to be removed once it has been paid for.
6 In your own words what is the most important infrastructure projection that needs to be completed. Where or how would you locate funding for this project?
We have a number of infrastructure project's that are important to residents of Moose Jaw. These include but are not limited to, road repairs, outdoor pool, 4th ave viaduct, walking paths, street signs and sporting facilities. I believe the most important infrastructure project we will have is the Crescent View pump house. As it pumps all our sewage and storm water to the city lagoons. It requires majour upgrade or replacement in the next few years. Without it, Moose Jaw couldn't operate. It is critical that it should be at the top of our list. As this is will be a major funding requirement, we need to lobby the Federal Government and Provincial Government to assist in this funding. This may require City Council to work to ensure our tax dollars are spend wisely to assist with this project.
7 Affordability is a major concern for many residents. Are you prepared - yes or no - to strive to make Moose Jaw more affordable? Can you briefly explain how you would accomplish this?
Affordability is a concern for residents. This is a problem not only in Moose Jaw but across Canada. As stated earlier we have a number of projects that will require major funding. We need to prioritize these projects and work with the other Governments to have these projects completed. But we also need to work so all our tax dollars are spent in the most economical manner and no money is wasted.