Candidate Questions - Michelle Christie
1. In 2023, for several reasons, a secondary audit was requested of SAMA. SAMA declined this request. Currently the City and council have chosen to do nothing in regard to this issue.
What are you prepared to do?
I understand that SAMA will present new appraised values in January 2025, based on data from 2023 and the previous eight years. I believe there has been a breakdown in communication between SAMA, council, and administration. A clearer understanding of regulations regarding the second audit could have led to better outcomes. This oversight is a concern, and I see it as negligence on the current council's part. We also need a clear answer do we have an auto-renewed contract or not!!!
2. Saskatoon has a Governance Committee which oversees their property tax/assessment department, and theirs far exceeds ours. Are you prepared to implement the changes needed in order to mirror/reflect theirs? Or something better?
I am open to exploring all options to improve our property tax and assessment processes. I believe the best solutions for Moose Jaw taxpayers should be prioritized. While significant changes may be challenging before our contract with SAMA expires, I will advocate for measures that benefit taxpayers. I’m also an advocate for Townhall to make sure we are making the best choices for the businesses, taxpayers and citizens of Moose Jaw.
3. a). In your words, what does a Moose Jaw Citizen say when they are asked “What do you think of Moose Jaw?”
Perceptions of Moose Jaw: I think residents would describe Moose Jaw as having an amazing downtown but recognize the need for infrastructure improvements. They might express concerns about the condition of our streets and parks, highlighting a need for revitalization and a more streamlined process to attract new businesses.
b). If you are elected, what will the Citizens be saying in 4 years?
In four years, I hope citizens will say our parks, especially Crescent Park, are beautiful, our streets are well-maintained, and there’s a vibrant local business scene.
4. Right now, there is a lot of talk about a proposed hotel on the zero block of River Street West. Rumours which include the potential building of a parkade by the City in the area.
The question is as an elected official how much City money - if any - are you prepared to spend either directly or indirectly in an effort to see the proposed hotel development get off the ground?
I understand that the hotel developers have specific requirements for parking stalls that they will manage themselves. Currently, there are no discussions about the city funding a parkade for this project.
5. Are you in favour of more or less funding by the way of levies? Or do you favour finding more funding by the way of tax increases?
Can you explain your reasoning?
I am inclined to explore options beyond just levies or tax increases. It’s essential to find sustainable funding solutions that don't overly burden residents while still supporting city projects.
6. In your own words what is the most important infrastructure projection that needs to be completed.
Where or how would you locate funding for this project?
The most critical infrastructure project is Crescentview Station. Second our aging roadways and public spaces. Funding could be sourced through provincial grants, partnerships, and efficient budget management.
7. Affordability is a major concern for many residents.
Are you prepared - yes or no - to strive to make Moose Jaw more affordable?
Can you briefly explain how you would accomplish this?
Yes, I am committed to making Moose Jaw more affordable. I would work on reducing unnecessary fees and streamlining processes to support local businesses, which in turn can help lower costs for residents.