Candidate Questions - Sam Morrison

 1. In 2023, for several reasons, a secondary audit was requested of SAMA.  SAMA declined this request.  Currently the City and council have chosen to do nothing in regards to this issue.  

What are you prepared to do?  

I am not sure what SAMAs reasoning was for declining our request but I feel we need an option other than SAMA. We need to start researching options immediately.

3. a). In your words, What does a Moose Jaw Citizen say when they are asked “What do you think of Moose Jaw?” 

The most consistent thing I hear about Moose Jaw is how terrible our roads are.  Quite frankly, I'm embarrassed. 

b). If you are elected, What will the Citizens be saying in 4 years? 

I hope in 4 years they will be saying "the roads USED to be terrible".

4. Right now there is a lot of talk about a proposed hotel on the zero block of River Street West. Rumours which include the potential building of a parkade by the City in the area. 

The question is as an elected official how much City money - if any - are you prepared to spend either directly or indirectly in an effort to see the proposed hotel development get off the ground? 

I am delighted at the prospect of a new hotel on river street.  Funding for such a project should come from private sources and not the city.  The hotel should also look after its own parking.  I am in favor of tax incentives during construction to entice development.

6. In your own words what is the most important infrastructure projection that needs to be completed. 

We need to maintain our water line upgrades and ensure things never get in such a state of disrepair.  We also need to build good lasting roads to our industrial areas.  I feel doing the projects correctly the first time would be more cost effective in the long run.

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